We have a shared passion. No matter how seemingly small, we have the anchored feeling that we are just ‘meant’ to be in the Out of School Childcare sector.
We pride ourselves on always one step ahead at Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs – always ready, and already there with support and guidance.
Alex has extensive knowledge & experience of Out of School Childcare Clubs and leads on our governance strategy and Cwlwm/Welsh Government work. She enjoys anything outdoors and helping to make her own village child friendly.
Contact Info
alexandraf@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 01269831010 \ 07974080780
Becci is an administrator and a proud #hincher. Her favourite thing to do is orgainsing cupboards, labelling jars and discovering cleaning hacks. Becci is a devoted dog mum who spends her evenings walking and having cuddles with her fur babies.
Contact Info
beccij@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000
Bethan loves a new challenge. She grew up on a farm in the Brecon Beacons – and has amazing memories of playing there. She loves the country way of life and still lives in the area now. A proud mum of a sports mad son, travelling and experiencing different countries is her passion!
Contact Info
bethanj@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000 \ 07971948125
Bev worked as a Youth & Playworker for 34 years – where she managed an ‘open access’ play environment within her own community for 20+ years using the Playwork approach. Now she is an experienced and passionate Playwork Trainer – wanting the best for every child 🙂
Contact Info
bevw@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000 \ 07811459926
As a kind and considerate person Cath doesn’t think there is any place in the world for unkindness. The biggest and most important part of her life is her family. “I absolutely love being a mummy and my children will always come first!
Contact Info
catherines@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 01492 536318 \ 07964951959
Clare is experienced in working with a wide range of ages from birth onwards, and has done this for the past 20 years. Qualified in Play work, Early Years and Childcare during her career. Clare loves supporting quality play and childcare providers to ensure they deliver the best practice.
Contact Info
clared@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000 \ 07398719735
Dawn has been passionate about playwork since she volunteered in a club where she saw the positive impact the setting had on the children. Later in her career she began to see how training could be equally impactful. Now Dawn gets to champion both.
Contact Info
dawnb@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000 \ 07970891522
A degree in childhood and youth studies and a Welsh speaker who is passionate about Wales. Loves to go for walks with my new cocker spaniel puppy and spend quality time with friends and family.
Contact Info
elliwp@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 01492 536318 \ 07971 948076
Emma started in playwork over 11 years ago, undertaking Playwork levels 2, 3 and 5. Last September she completed her assessor course. In her downtime Emma enjoys a good autobiography.
Contact Info
emmas@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000 \ 07971967775
Helen has been employed by Clybiau since 2005 and still enjoys translating all the new, innovative material that constantly comes her way, as well as the more collaborative approach of recent years. In her spare time Helen loves walking-talking and the radio.
Contact Info
helenw@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000
Jacqui has worked as an assessor and within Playwork and Childcare settings for over 20 years. She says that she really enjoys her role and supporting learners to achieve their qualifications.
Contact Info
jacquij@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 012 6983 1010\ 07977548383
With the organisation since 2002, initially as Finance Manager and since 2016 as CEO, has played an integral part of its development. A proud mum who in her spare time volunteers and likes walking and trying to keep fit.
Contact Info
janeo@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000 \ 07971261148
Joanna has always liked numbers so decided to study and work in accounting. Joanna is from Poland, loves travelling and experiencing different countries, she enjoys meeting up with friends in her spare time.
Contact Info
joannap@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000
Joanne has been working in finance since 2015 after retraining in accounting. She loves walking in the beautiful Welsh countryside, tandem cycling, yoga and being with friends, family and furry companions.
Contact Info
joanneo@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 02920 741000
Kim has a passion for reading, walking and making memories with her family and is rarely seen without a smile. Her knowledge and organisational skills help make everything we do possible.
Contact Info
kimw@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 012 6983 1010
King is originally from Hong Kong, she loves cooking, walking in sunny days and all the family time she could have. She also like musicals, art and shopping. She just became a new mum recently, her little one was born in Cardiff and is 10 months now.
Contact Info
kingw@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000
Megan has a degree in early years and childhood education, a qualified playworker and a fluent Welsh speaker. Megan is passionate about every child having a variety of opportunities to explore and develop.
Contact Info
meganm@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 07376365006
A qualified teacher and Mami of two. Megan has seen how important it is to give both practitioners and children opportunities to explore the Welsh language.
Contact Info
meganp@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 01269 831010 \ 07970 728610
With a degree in Psychology, Nia is passionate about all things mental health, developmental and educational.
When it comes to outside of work, Nia enjoys spending quality time with friends and family and going on holidays (anywhere there’s sun!).
Contact Info
niad@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000 \ 07376 365008
Nia loves the great outdoors and partial to a relaxing weekend away. When it comes to play Nia holds 10 plus years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to support you and your afterschool club.
Contact Info
niar@clybioauplantcymru.org \ 01492 536 318 \ 07971 967380
Nicole has a wealth of knowledge and experience of the Out of School Childcare sector and leads on our Welsh Language and Culture of Wales strategic goal. She is has many hobbies but her passion is the myths and legends of Wales.
Contact Info
nicolel@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 01492 536 318 \ 07818 407514
Okey is originally from Nigeria and came to Cardiff for his post graduate degree in Business Management, and later ACCA. He is a dad of 3 and enjoys meeting up with friends for a meal and some drinks. He also love to play football with his 2 boys and other dads at weekends.
Contact Info
okeym@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 02920 741000
Phoebe has worked in Childcare for 13 years. She found this career path through having her own children and needing to work around them. They are 15 and 13 now and even though she could she wouldn’t choose another sector to work in!
Contact Info
phoebew@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000 \ 07966 792370
With over 15 yrs of experience in the Childcare sector there isn’t a query too big or small for Rachel our Childcare Business Development Officer. Rachel loves keeping fit & spending time with her daughter whilst advocating play within the community.
Contact Info
rachelt@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 01492 536 318 \ 077107206830
Rebecca is an Administrator and joined the team in January 2022. Rebecca moved to South West Wales in 2021 with her husband and two children and she is having the best of times here, enjoying adventures by the seaside and getting to learn the local lingo.
Contact Info
beccig@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 012 6983 1010
Sandra is our ‘Governance Guru’ she’s really happy when she’s supported a club to become a Charitable Incorporated Organization. Sandra’s ‘go to therapy’, time for herself is her craft work, creating wonderful home décor and gifts.
Contact Info
sandraw@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 01492 536 318 \ 07977200327
Qualified playworker and Mum of two active boys. Sarah is extremely passionate about play, playwork and the outdoors and am constantly seeking new adventures, risks and challenges to take, and memories to make.
Contact Info
sarahb@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000 \ 07971261148
Sian supports the Playwork sector and the staff with all things Welsh through the Work Welsh Project and CAMAU. She enjoys the ability to share her passion for the Welsh language and culture.
Contact Info
sianej@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 012 6983 1010 \ 07971967288
After 18 years with us, there is little this CBDO hasn’t seen or faced within the OSC sector! Often referred to as ‘Counsellor Jewell’ due to her listening ear and her problem solving ability, there is nothing Sian loves more than to help people.
Contact Info
sianj@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 012 6983 1010 \ 07966792416
Growing up in a household where Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs was well-known, Sophie has the goal to make it a household name for many others too. Alongside her passion for marketing, she also enjoys all things tech!
Contact Info
sophiep@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 029 2074 1000 \ 07971967381
Tracey has a qualification in Playwork at Level 5, assessor’s and IQA qualification. When training Tracey says she gets a ‘real buzz’ when the learners get the light bulb moment, realizing how important play is in children’s lives.
Contact Info
traceyb@clybiauplantcymru.org \ 01492 536 318 \ 07896416969
Our Board of Trustees consists of a diverse group of people who represent the organisation locally, regionally and nationally. The Board of Trustees is the governing body of Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs.
As well as attending regular meetings, Trustees work on developing their skills and often attend relevant training sessions or conferences that may help to further enhance their knowledge.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring the strategic direction of the charity, ensuring clear leadership and decision making at all levels and monitoring financial performance in order to deliver value for money.
Join our board of trustees today.
Meet the Board