Eng | Cym

We have a shared passion. No matter how seemingly small, we have the anchored feeling that we are just ‘meant’ to be in the Out of School Childcare sector.

We pride ourselves on always one step ahead at Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs – always ready, and already there with support and guidance.

Alexandra FudgeProactive and resourceful

Development Manager

Becci Jones

Senior General Administrator

Bethan JonesFriendly

Training Officer

Bev WilliamsBevla - 'the forgetful one'

Training Officer

Cath SmithMiss Congeniality

Training Officer

Clare DareChatty

Childcare Business Development Officer

Dawn BunnSupportive

National Training Manager

Elliw Pierce

Welsh Language Childcare Business Development Officer

Emma SalterFoodie

Training Officer

Helen WilliamsCyflenwr Cymraeg


Jacqui JohnCalm and supportive

Training Officer

Jane O’TooleThe Motivator

Chief Executive Officer

Joanna PopowskaFinance Guru

Senior Finance Assistant

Joanne O’Connor

Finance Assistant

Kim WilsonKim Possible

Senior Training Administrator

King Wong


Megan Morris

Welsh Language Childcare Business Development Officer

Megan Pocock-Tommason

Welsh Language Childcare Business Development Officer

Nia DownesLittle Miss Helpful

Childcare Business Development Officer

Nia RobertsNia The Ceiling

Lead Childcare Business Development Officer

Nicole LovattAsks random questions

Development Manager

Okey Maduako

Finance Manager

Phoebe WilsonThe Loud one!

Lead Training Officer

Rachel TustinLittle Miss Chatterbox

Childcare Business Development Officer

Rebecca Gameson


Sandra WelsbyGovernance Guru

Childcare Business Development Officer

Sarah BirdTaskmaster Turton

Lead IQA

Sian JamesWelsh / Cymraeg

Lead Welsh Language Childcare Business Development Officer

Sian JewellProblem Solver

Childcare Business Development Officer

Sophie PeppinDigital Whizz

Marketing & Communications Officer

Tracey BarghJudith Charmers

Training Officer

Our Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees consists of a diverse group of people who represent the organisation locally, regionally and nationally. The Board of Trustees is the governing body of Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs.

As well as attending regular meetings, Trustees work on developing their skills and often attend relevant training sessions or conferences that may help to further enhance their knowledge.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring the strategic direction of the charity, ensuring clear leadership and decision making at all levels and monitoring financial performance in order to deliver value for money.

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