27.10.2023 |
Autumn Fundraising Ideas
Guy Fawkes – Traditionally children made Guy Fawkes by stuffing old clothes with straw and newspaper. These would then be touted around to collect money to buy fireworks for bonfire night. You could instead have a guy making competition. A collection of finished guys could be displayed anywhere they could be judged or voted on.
Baking Fun – Biscuits with fireworks iced on top could also be made at club and sold to parents: who is going to be able to resist buying one!
Calendar – Autum is the perfect time to start putting a calendar together to sell at any school fairs that coming up as Christmas approaches. Start by taking pictures of the children doing different activities. Make sure that you include all children in the pictures or ask children to draw a picture to maximise your market. You can create your own calendar or ask an online firm for a reasonable cost to get them printed, but make sure they are ready in plenty of time before the new Calander year to sell as many as possible.
4 Fundraising Top Tips
1. Do get the children involved. – It is wonderful to involve children in fundraising activities from an early age, showing children that it’s important and enjoyable to help others. It’s an important life skill and it helps to build the kind of community we all want.
2. Use your contacts. – Telling your friends, family, and colleagues, those you know best and how they can benefit your fundraiser is a great starting point.
3. Be Confident! – Donations and sponsorships don’t come naturally, but with a little effort, it will be worth it! It’s not that hard if you don’t leave it to the end.
4. Know the facts – Make sure you tell people about your event. Let them know about what you’re doing, where the money you’re raising is going and how it’s going to help. You can also do this when people ask you. Specific information and stories about the fundraising will definitely help.