21.10.2022 |
Awareness Days
International Walk to School Month – October 2022
October is international walk to school month. Living streets aims to create a nation where we rely less on alternative transport methods and increase our use of walking for its wellbeing and health benefits. Its aim throughout October is to develop healthy habits and to introduce exercise into our lives. On top of this walking is much better for the environment and helps lessen our carbon footprint. Although it’s the end of October there are still six days to walk to and from school left before the month ends.
United Nations Day – Monday 24 October 2022
United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the UN Charter entering force on the 24th of October 1945. It is celebrated internationally and offers a reflection on the common agenda of the UN and reaffirms the purpose and principles of the UN Charter. The message from the Secretary General for 2022 is ‘By giving peace a chance and ending conflicts that jeopardize lives, futures and global progress. By working to end extreme poverty, reduce inequalities, and rescue the Sustainable Development Goals. By safeguarding our planet, including by breaking our addiction to fossil fuels and kickstarting the renewable energy revolution. And by finally balancing the scales of opportunity and freedom for women and girls and ensure human rights for all. As we mark UN Day, let us renew our hope and conviction in what humanity can achieve when we work as one, in global solidarity.’
Diwali – Monday 24 October 2022
Diwali is a religious festival originating in India, it is predominantly a Hindu festival it is also celebrated by some Sikhs and Jains as all three religions originated in India. It lasts 5 days usually in October or November and takes place annual and marks the start of the Hindu New Year. It is a celebration of good triumphing over evil. For many people the festival of Diwali honours the Hindu goddess Lakshmi, and the lights are said to help her find her way into people’s homes and bring prosperity for the year to come. Rangoli is a popular tradition where colourful patterns are made using colourful powders and flowers and are drawn on the entrances to people’s homes. Read a short explanation of Diwali here.