12.01.2024 |
Beat Winter Viruses
This winter, Public Health Wales is running a ‘Beat Winter Viruses’ campaign, which encourages people in Wales to take simple actions to prevent the spread of common illnesses this season.
The campaign is particularly focused on encouraging people to wash their hands for at least 30 seconds at key moments throughout the day.
It also covers wider preventative behaviours that are important in preventing the spread of illnesses:
- Practicing good hygiene: covering coughs and sneezes, regularly cleaning surfaces and avoiding touching the face
- Letting fresh air in when possible
- Staying home when unwell
We’d greatly appreciate your help in sharing these messages at your setting.
A range of assets are available that can be shared via social media, to encourage the correct technique of handwashing, as well as other preventative behaviours. Public Health Wales Asset Library (brandkitapp.com)
There is also an infographic poster available for download, on handwashing. It would be great if these could be displayed around settings in key areas, as well as be circulated.
Jpeg: Handwashing infographic poster bilingual jpeg
PDF: Handwashing infographic poster bilingual
More information is available on the campaign pages here: https://phw.nhs.wales/beatwinterviruses