Funding Opportunities

We are delighted to share with you some funding opportunities.  Don’t forget that we can support you in completing applications, so please get in touch if you need our help!

Fund for Wales

The Fund for Wales is a national community endowment fund, managed and promoted by Community Foundation Wales.

It is a philanthropy promotion and grant-making programme which raises money from people and organisations across Wales, the UK, and overseas who want to ‘give back’ to support and strengthen local communities: the Fund for Wales connects people who care with causes that matter.

The fund is currently supported through partnership with People’s Postcode Lottery.

Fund for Wales is open to small, local, community led constituted charities and voluntary organisations (e.g. associations, social enterprises, Community Interest Companies and clubs), with an annual income of less than £100,000.


Fund outcomes:

  • Improving people’s chances in life,
  • Building stronger communities,
  • Improving rural and urban environments,
  • Encouraging healthier and more active people and communities, and
  • Preserving heritage and culture.


Grants Available

Grants of between £500 – £2,000 per annum for up to 3 years, are available to organisations whose applications best deliver against the outcomes above.

We intend to make at least six three-year grants per year.


Who can apply?

Fund for Wales is open to small, local, community led constituted charities and voluntary organisations (e.g. associations, social enterprises, Community Interest Companies and clubs), with an annual income of less than £100,000 in the last financial year. We welcome applications from organisations that have never received funding from this Fund before.

You must be one of the following:

  • Constituted Groups
  • Registered Charities & Charitable Incorporated Organisations
  • Companies Limited by Guarantee
  • Community Interest Companies
  • Social Enterprises


Aviva Community Grant

Building stronger, more resilient communities across the UK: that’s what we’re striving towards at Aviva, and it’s how we’ll continue to help small charities and community causes.

We know the causes that make the biggest impact are those that are given the opportunity to test innovative ideas and explore new sustainable strategies without fear of risk. That’s why the Aviva Community Fund backs the clever ideas that move communities forward and provides these amazing causes with vital support and resources.

Aviva will match each donation you receive up to £250. This means that if someone gives £5, we’ll double it to £10. If they give £250, we’ll match it, so the cause gets £500. Organisations can receive up to £50,000 in match funding and eligible causes can apply at any time.

Got an idea that will move your community forward? We’ve got your back.


Asda Community Fund

Empowering Local Communities is one of our Grassroots Grants, funding up to £2,000 to enable local community groups to support a broad range of activities helping to transform communities and improve lives.

We know that no two communities are the same. The Empowering Local Communities Grant aims to address diverse local challenges, supporting local groups that benefit a variety of ages.

Each superstore will feature 3 community projects online that have been nominated by customers and colleagues. The one with the most online votes will receive a £500 donation with 2nd and 3rd place each receiving £200.