21.04.2023 |
Hempsall’s all you need to know about Tax-Free Childcare – a back to basics webinar for all activity and childcare providers 6.30pm – 8.00pm 3 May 2023
This 90-minute ZOOM webinar will be useful for all childcare settings and activity club providers from across the UK. You should attend if you provide childcare, early years entitlements, before and after school care or activities and/ or holiday activities which are used by parents and carers to help them to work.
If you are an approved childcare or an activity service for children you be able to support parents by signing up, which could help boost your business.
This webinar continues our work to raise awareness of Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) and we want to increase your understanding of the scheme. We have developed the content in response to the questions raised by providers at our first webinar in February 2023. This webinar aims to provide an overview of all the information childcare providers need to know to support them to be able to sign up and offer TFC to parents and carers.
HMRC has asked Hempsall’s to deliver the webinar, because they are a specialist in the early years and childcare organisation providing consultancy, training and research for governments, councils, and providers.
Hempsalls will:
- Provide a step-by-step guide to Tax-Free Childcare.
- Consider the opportunities for all types of providers – linking to the current economic climate and childcare market to increase take up.
- Consider TFC from a provider’s perspective.
- Highlight activities we can all do to ensure families and childcare providers use and benefit from this government support.
- Signpost you to toolkits and assets that can be used to promote TFC to all.
Webinar outline
6.30pm Welcome, Housekeeping and introduction. (Hempsall’s)
6.40pm Tax-Free Childcare – What is it? (HMRC)
6.45pm How TFC works with other government offers. (HMRC)
6.50pm TFC – an opportunity for all types of providers (Hempsall’s)
7.00pm Who can sign up for TFC (Hempsall’s)
7.15pm TFC – the process. What providers need to know? (Hempsall’s)
7.25pm TFC in action – A provider’s perspective.
7.40pm TFC – key messages providers can share with parents and carers.
7.50pm Tools and assets for providers to promoting Tax-Free Childcare to customers (Hempsall’s)
7.55pm Summary and evaluation
8.00pm Close
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