23.02.2024 |
New health protection/ infection prevention guidance for childcare settings
The new Health protection in children and young people’s settings, including education, has replaced the former Infection Control guidance in childcare settings.
Also the new Infection Prevention and Control Guidance Audit Tool (Public Health Wales) has been published.
Both publications can be found on a new Health Protection Team website AWARE/ Health Protection Team – Public Health Wales (nhs.wales), which also includes contact details and key resources. To access the new guidance, follow links under Guidance for childcare, preschool and educational settings – Public Health Wales (nhs.wales).
The latter link includes:
- Exclusion periods for Common Infections (May 2023)
- All Wales Infection Prevention and Control Audit Tool for Childcare and Educational Settings (2023)
- Health Protection in Children and Young People’s Settings including Education (2023)
- Example of Cleaning Schedule for Education and Childcare Settings (2023)
- Example of Checklist of Measures to use during an Outbreak (2023)
- Example of Outbreak Record form for Schools and Childcare Settings (2023)