05.07.2024 |
Playday 2024, Wednesday 7th August: Are you ready?
We would love you to join us to celebrate Playday this year and the theme of Playday 2024 is ‘Play – the culture of childhood’ – supporting play, fun and friendships (across generations and cultures) and we will be attending both county and club Playday events across Wales to celebrate and promote play.
We will be sharing play suggestions in the lead up to the big day and would love you to share yours and tag us #showusyourplay on social media.
To build awareness of the importance of play, we would love you join us in our activity to create a play wall or bunting (in the activity part of this newsletter). Tag us on social media (#showusyourplay) or share your pictures with us via info@clybiauplantcymru.org to help us create the biggest, most colourful and diverse virtual play wall/ mosaic we can possibly make.