23.01.2025 |
Funding Opportunities
We are delighted to share with you some funding opportunities. Don’t forget that we can support you in completing applications, so please get in touch if you need our help!
Comic Relief Grant
The Comic Relief Organisational Growth Grant is managed by WCVA and funded by Comic Relief. The scheme offers funding to voluntary organisations in Wales to help them maximise their impact through organisational development and increased resilience.
Comic Relief and WCVA recognise the great work that community led organisations do across Wales, and we want to help organisations to build their capacity in a sustainable and impactful way.
The aim of the Organisational Growth Grant is to give organisations the chance to make strategic changes that enhance their impact and increase resilience, for example:
- Build on what is working well in relation to your organisation’s community activity
- Strengthen and measure the impact of your core community led activity
- Develop new ways of working
Social Investment Cymru (SIC) financially supports social enterprises in Wales with a range of grants and loans.
We invest in organisations that want to generate more income or expand their range of services, and organisations that have previously struggled to attract grant funding for new projects.
Volunteering Wales Grants
is a scheme funded by the Welsh Government to promote and improve volunteering in Wales.
Volunteering Wales is about ‘…the kind of country we want to be’.
A volunteer is someone who commits time and energy for the benefit of society and the community, and volunteering can take many forms. It is undertaken freely and by choice without concern for financial gain.
Volunteering is one of the national wellbeing indicators tracking Wales progress against the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act goals. To embed volunteering, create high quality volunteering opportunities, and engage young people, Welsh Government have funded three key schemes under Volunteering Wales.
If you would like to hear about potential future rounds please sign up here.