01.12.2023 |
Consultation on professional registration of the childcare and playwork workforce
Do you think childcare and playwork workers in Wales should have a workforce register?
Welsh Government has launched a consultation seeking the views of the workforce on this question.
The consultation asks questions about whether the childcare and playwork sector should have a workforce register and if so, who that register should cover.
If, following the consultation, it is decided that the sector should have a workforce register , there will be a further consultation on the details, such as eligibility criteria and fees.
What is a workforce register?
A workforce register:
- Lists individuals who are allowed to work in a particular sector, or in specific roles in that sector.
- Sets out rules about who can join the workforce.
- Includes A Code of Professional Practice of expected standards and A Fitness to Practice process.
A workforce register is different to registration with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) which covers settings. Workforce registration focuses on the individual worker, recognising their skills, learning and ongoing continuing professional development.
You can learn more here: https://www.gov.wales/professional-registration-childcare-and-playwork-workforce
To share your views, please join us at one of our consultation events: https://clybiauplantcymru.org/all-training-and-events/