30.08.2024 |
Invitation to join our Board of Trustees
We are currently accepting nominations for new members of our Board. Your involvement will strengthen and compliment the skills of the current Board, helping us achieve our Vision and Mission and raising our profile across a wider audience.
To learn about the role of a member of the Board of Trustees and to put forward a nomination please visit our Trustee job description.
Online event: Meet our Board of Trustees
Join us for an informal chat, meet our current trustees, ask any questions you may have and find out how you can support the Out of School Childcare Sector.
Online | 11/09/2024 | 6.30pm-7.30pm
Book your place today https://clybiauplantcymru.org/product/online-event-meet-our-board-of-trustees/
If you share our vision of a Wales where children play and communities prosper and have experience of Out of School Childcare, we would love to hear from you.
To learn more about Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals along with our values and behaviours visit our ‘about us’ page on our website.
Our quarterly meetings of the Board of Trustees are accessible online, via either Zoom or Teams, in addition we have an Annual General Meeting in October, which this year will also remain an online event.
If you would like to discuss the role, please get in touch.