16.06.2023 |
Thanks to Welsh Government funding received through the CWLWM partnership, we are delighted to announce our CYMell project.
We know parents struggle to find quality Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) registered Before school, Afterschool and Holiday Childcare provision available through the medium of Welsh. We also know the benefits of access to Welsh medium settings where children can play and socialise using Welsh – and its importance in supporting children as they move through Welsh medium education.
With the Childcare and Playwork sector best placed to support the increase in children using the Welsh language outside of the school setting, supporting Welsh Government’s vision of 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050, our CYMell project and our dedicated Welsh Language Childcare Business Development Officers aims to:
- motivate unregistered Welsh medium and bilingual Out of School Childcare settings to become CIW registered.
There are many different clubs and activities available for children and parents to choose from. CIW registration recognises the needs of working/training parents/carers, allowing flexibility to open longer and extend into before school, wrap around and holiday care while enabling them access to financial support schemes such as Tax-Free Childcare. Registration enhances your reputation, inspiring confidence that you provide quality, stimulating childcare.
Grant funding of up to £1,000 is available to support with the costs associated with submitting a CIW registration application and gaining registration. It will also support the expansion of existing Cylchoedd provision to offer out of school childcare for children up to the age of 12.
Where appropriate, a Sustainability Grant of up to £2,500 is available to sustain newly CIW registered Welsh and bilingual Out of School Childcare Clubs.
- train Welsh speaking individuals in Playwork, removing the qualification barrier to the clubs becoming registered with CIW, enabling Cylchoedd to expand their provision to offer out of school childcare for children up to the age of 12 and supporting existing settings to maintain their registration.
Playwork qualifications enhance knowledge, skills and play experience for children in your care.
The following training is available:
Qualification | Suitable for Job Roles |
L2App (Level 2 Award in Playwork Practice) |
Award in Transition to Playwork |
Level 2 Diploma in Playwork |
Level 3 Diploma in Playwork |
To learn more about the qualifications on offer, please complete an Expression of Interest, and a member of the team will contact you.
- provide a bursary to support settings to cover the cost of staff members attending Playwork qualifications delivered through the medium of Welsh, funded through the CYMell project.
The bursary is available to settings who are CIW registered or show a commitment to registration, allowing them to cover the costs of staff attending training outside their working hours or to pay for staff to cover that member of staff if within work hours.
- Support Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) registered Out of School Childcare providers to change their language of operations to Welsh.
A Change of Operational Language to Welsh grant of up to £4,000 is available to support CIW registered settings who work with their Childcare Business Development Officer to change their operational language to Welsh, allowing them to cover the costs involved, including; administration of changing registration details with CIW, and translation of policies, signage and marketing. The grant may also be used to support sustainability as they market their provision in their new language and train or recruit new staff with appropriate language skills.
Take a look at some of our case studies below:
For further information and support, please contact your Childcare Business Development Officer.