Connected Childcare Communities

Clwb Hwbs

Free monthly Clwb Hwbs are interactive webinars providing an opportunity for collaborative thinking amongst clubs. They support Playworkers, Managers and Committee Members’ continuing professional development and an electronic certificate of attendance is provided.

If you have recently attended one of our Clwb Hwbs, please complete the evaluation form

Your feedback will be used to plan and improve our support to you.

Facilitated by Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs’ staff and sometimes additional expert guest speakers, they cover a range of topics that have been identified as a support need by Out of School Childcare Clubs across Wales. A resource pack is often provided to attendees following the session. If you would like to know about Clwb Hwbs coming up, click on the button below

Our National Lottery Community Fund Grant is extended to 2026

Our ‘Connected Childcare Communities’ continuation project, funded through the National Lottery Community Fund, will enable Regional Childcare Business Development Officers across Wales to continue supporting clubs to meet the needs of children, families and communities across Wales.

Read about our successful first year here


Out of School Childcare Clubs are often the hubs of communities, offering English, Welsh and bilingual childcare to help families improve their circumstances. They are motivated to develop and improve and passionate about providing opportunities for children to play and just be together, ensuring they provide a quality service while remaining sustainable. Clubs enable parents/carers of 45,000 children across Wales to train, work and progress careers, improving circumstances, tackling poverty and inequalities and supporting the best outcomes for children.

With business skills mentoring, webinars and action plans, the project aims to ensure:

  1. Communities in Wales are benefiting from quality services.
  2. Clubs will have strengthened and robust governance.
  3. A sustainable sector in Wales supporting children to play and families and communities to prosper.

We can’t thank the National Lottery Community Fund and National Lottery players enough for supporting Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs’ continuation application to aid the Out of School Childcare Club sector across Wales.

Take a look at some of our case studies below:

Please get in touch with our Regional Offices for more information:

Cardiff Office: 029 2074 1000 /

Colwyn Bay Office: 01492 536318 /

Cross Hands Office: 01269 831010 /


Connecting and Supporting Out of School Childcare Clubs and Communities 2020-2023

Through our National Lottery Community Fund Project ‘Connecting and Supporting Out of School Childcare Clubs and Communities’, 3 Regional Childcare Business Development Officers across Wales can support Clubs in the following ways:  

  • develop individual action plans from quality assessments to build on strengths;   
  • provide ongoing childcare business support to improve governance and business skills;   
  • help with registration with Care Inspectorate Wales and with initiatives that improve affordability such as The Childcare Offer and Tax-Free Childcare;  
  • deliver regional network events, with clubs developing the format and content;    
  • collaborate with others representing and supporting the sector to ensure accurate advice.  


Through our National Lottery Community Fund Project ‘Connecting and Supporting Out of School Childcare Clubs and Communities’, 3 Regional Childcare Business Development Officers across Wales worked with our Out of School Childcare Community to achieve the following:

  • 98 individual action plans built on strengths;   
  • 2003 business skills sessions improved governance and business skills;   
  • 45 registrations with Care Inspectorate Wales/The Childcare Offer/ Tax-Free Childcare improved quality and affordability;  
  • 44  network events and collaboration with others to support the sector.



Case Studies:




Jane O’Toole, Chief Executive Officer of Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs said:

“We would like to thank the National Lottery Community Fund for the grant award and of course thanks must go to the public who play the Lottery each week, without whom this funding and thus the project would not be possible.

Through this project we seek to support Clubs with face to face visits and business skills mentoring; help to improve the quality of play and care within Out of School Childcare Clubs through upskilling Playworkers and Managers; give better access to care and play provision; have Clubs registered with Government initiatives that improve affordability and an overall more sustainable, well governed childcare that will provide continuity of care for children.”


People & Places Year 3 Report
Connected Childcare Communities Project Information



Please get in touch with our Regional Offices with your suggestions for networking events you would like to attend, or if you would like further information.

Cardiff Office: 029 2074 1000 /

Colwyn Bay Office: 01492 536318 /

Cross Hands Office: 01269 831010 /